FIA Profile


Site Area: 121,400 m² (30 Acres)

Floor Area: 46902 m² ( 504,844 ft²)

Welding Plant Area: 30,330 m² (337,000 ft²)

Press Plant Area: 9,554m² (106,156ft²)

Office Area: 1,322 m² (14,689 ft²)


North american operations

Futaba North American Operations



Shinichiro Nakane



The Futaba Way

Futaba Way

From its founding, Futaba has distinguished itself from other companies by its concern for its workers and the community they live in. “Respect for People,” is one of the two pillars of the “Futaba Way;” “Wisdom and Kaizen [constant improvement]” being the other.

 You can learn more about the Futaba Way by clicking here.


SDG Goals

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

What are SDGs? The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

UN SDG GoalsHow is Futaba Helping to Move the SDG Agenda Forward? Futaba Industrial has mapped the impact of the 17 SDAs to develop a strategy which prioritizes 6 SDG areas and outlines specific achievable goals.
How is FIA implementing the SDG goals? While FIA has already achieved some of the SDG goals set by our corporate headquarters, we are always seeking was to continue to build on these successes. Timelines have been set for complying with the remaining goals and FIA is well on its way to meeting or acceding these timelines.

Beyond SDG

In addition to the goals set out by SDG, FIA is voluntarily participating in other programs, including self-initiated improvement efforts.

Sustainable Growth
• By continuing to increase productivity and refine its management foundation, as detailed below, FIA is seeking to assure continued growth.
• Improving its standing in the community through community involvement and building a reputation as a good place to work will help assure staffing needs are met as growth continues.

Sustainable Production
Scrap Reduction: FIA has set aggressive targets to reduce scrap in the production process in both stamping and welding.
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): The ongoing implementation of AGVs has improved working conditions by utilizing them to move heavy finished parts racks, and reducing the number of workers needed for these tasks.
Efficiency: Welding, Stamping, Logistics, Maintenance, and Quality departments are working together to identify and introduce various productivity improvements such as optimization of robotic welding paths, die finger kaizen, and other activities which allow Team Members to work more efficiently. These activities are part of an overall strategy to increase productivity.
Sustainable Management Foundation
Information Systems: The increased need for working remote as well as integration of information systems required to maintain an efficient, competitive, and safe business environment has lead FIA to upgrade hardware, software, cyber security, and related training.
Working Conditions: Utilizing ergonomics evaluations and information from Team Members who actually perform the tasks daily, FIA has sought to reduce worker injuries (particularly strains and sprains). To address diversity needs, FIA has created two positions for interpreters of Spanish and Hattian Creole; populations which make up a growing segment of our work force and the community. New and renovated restroom and break areas as well as attendance incentive programs, and worker appreciation events are just a few of the ways FIA is improving conditions for all of its Team Members.
Safety: FIA achieved ISO 14001 certification on December 28, 2005. ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS) and one of the goals set by the SDG Agenda. Since then we have maintained this certification through annual audits.

• Additionally, FIA participates in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), which sets advance standards for companies that care about their employees’ safety and strive for low injury rates. Requirements include maintaining worker injury and illnes rates below the industry national average, on-site evaluation from OSHA to review documentation/training and audits every 3-5 years.